How do I remote desktop (RDP) onto a Azure Virtual Machine (VM) from my computer that is joined to another domain?

So you have set up your first VM and are ready to RDP onto it.  Somehow it doesn’t work! Hmm… the answer is simple yet sometimes confusing when you RDP from a machine that is joined to a corporate domain.

When the RDP console comes up (or start -> run -> type “mstsc” and then enter) select login from a different account (this is if you RDP onto VM’s in your corporate environment as it will contain your corporate username).

Next under “username” type in “\” backslash and then username i.e. “\username” (this is the username you setup when creating your Azure VM) followed by the password.

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Having problems logging into your Microsoft Azure VM after creation?

Having setup a number of Virtual Machines (VM’s) on Azure you get the occasional one where you are adamant you entered the right password but when you remote desktop (RDP), it refuses you to login.  There are two simple ways you can try to gain access to your VM.

Option 1: Reset your VM password via the Azure Portal (

  • All VM’s must live inside a Resource Group (RG).  Select the RG where the problematic VM lives
  • Click on “All Settings” -> “Reset Password”
  • Try accessing your VM again


Option 2: Try redeploying your VM, which will migrate it to a new Azure host.

  • All VM’s must live inside a Resource Group (RG).  Select the RG where the problematic VM lives
  • Click on “All Settings” -> “Redeploy”
  • Select “Redeploy” at the bottom right corner
  • Try accessing your VM again
